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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wow!  Did you know we had a fabulously fun day at Barnes and Noble?  The singing was wonderful and I loved seeing you all dressed up.  Congratulations to Erica Clark and Susan Havener who each won a Nook Simple Touch.  A huge thank you goes to Frank Pelkey for donating the money for the Nook.  (We sold so many tickets that we raffled a second one.) I shopped with the proceeds from the raffle today and purchased lots of new books for the library.  Thank you also for all of the donations from the wish list table. All of the new books will have a sticker inside so readers will know how supportive our parents and grandparents are at Elder Grove. Now that the raffle is over, I will have a new prize for the first student who tells me what I forgot on Feb. 1st.  Another winner today was Lila Rambur who won the prize for the Scavenger Hunt - Beauty by Bill Wallace.  Five prizes were drawn for the games: winners were Palmer Coleman, Claire Frolich, Colter Dykeman, Ben Duncan, and Ava Sawicki. Come see me in the library Monday for your prize.

1 comment:

  1. We really enjoyed all of the performances today! The students did a great job!
